Risk Warning:

Trading on margin is only appropriate for experienced investors with a high tolerance for risk. Given the high leverage, fast-moving nature of the OTC, CFDs, Equities markets, Cryptocurrency markets and the risks associated with electronic trading, any discrepancies on account statements must be reported to International Finance Asia, within 24 hours of its occurrence.

Risk Warning:

Trading on margin is only appropriate for experienced investors with a high tolerance for risk. Given the high leverage, fast-moving nature of the OTC, CFDs, Equities markets, Cryptocurrency markets and the risks associated with electronic trading, any discrepancies on account statements must be reported to International Finance Asia, within 24 hours of its occurrence.

Why Partner With

International Finance Asia?

Competitive Spreads

Low commissions and funding costs is a result of our substantial liquidity. Maximize your profit while maintaining fair execution for small and large ticket sizes.

Fund Safety

Deposits and withdrawals are securely conducted through encrypted channels and client funds are segregated held in world-class bank.

Institutional Technology

Create your sophisticated trading strategy through your artificial intelligence and algorithm with our FIX API 4.4 to gain stable, flexible and fast execution.

Lightning execution

Trade with quotes as small as 0.1 PIP. Our trusted liquidity providers ensure that you get the best price for your orders, always.

The Prime Partnership

Best-in-Class Wholesale Liquidity, Trading, Tech Solutions

Dedicated professionals with deep FX experience and backgrounds in markets, trading and electronic trading systems. Powered by advanced technologies with our industry expertise, we provide customized liquidity solutions across ECNs or bank or non-bank pools to suit your unique requirements.

Liquidity & Execution

Professional Consulting

Automation & Reporting

Our Client

We firmly believe that effective solutions encompass a broader perspective. That's why we dedicate time to analyze the wider context, comprehending our clients' enterprises, their requirements, and their goals to achieve their objectives.

Our Mission

“To provide comprehensive liquidity services by partnering with top-tier banks, ECNs, and non-bank liquidity pools, ensuring the best possible options for our clients.”